Tag Archives: sugar

healthy take out options

Weekend Damage Control: Take Out

Weekend Take Out. . . For some people the weekend is when they revel in the spare time to try new culinary delights, but for others it means taking a break from cooking and calling out for delivery. If you cook, you know exactly what ingredients are going in and can monitor your portions accordingly, […]

More Reasons to Curb your Sugar Habit

Created by: http://www.OnlineNursingPrograms.com

A Calorie isn’t Just a Calorie – When you Eat and What you Eat Matters

Late-night snackers beware – pacifying those midnight sugar cravings or fatty 2am indulgences will pack on the pounds fast. In previous studies, researchers at the Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam found that mice consuming the majority of their calories during their “inactive period” gained more weight than those that consumed the same […]

What’s keeping you from a Sexy Six Pack?

In an online poll of women, 62 percent said they were most self-conscious about their tummies. It’s not a wonder since your body has advanced mechanisms designed to store fat in the abdomen every time things go awry. Here are 4 reasons you’re not reaching that sexy six-pack: 1. When you booze, you lose. Well, […]

Banishing sugar: Are alternative sweeteners a safe replacement?

With all the fervor over sugar – is it toxic? Should sugary sodas be banned? Many more people are turning to alternative sweeteners to pacify their cravings, but this switch is not without worry. Pink, blue, yellow and, now, green – regardless of which packet you pluck from the ceramic box on every restaurant table […]

Getting to the Root of the Problem: Fructose

Sugar toxicity. Sugary drink ban. Corn sugar. Sugar, sugar, sugar. It’s on everyone’s mind as the obesity epidemic surpasses smoking as the number one healthcare cost of the nation. Experts are debating the source of the issue and what can be done to stop the plight of disease caused by the expanding waistlines of the […]

The Good Fat

You read it on the pages of every new diet book that hits shelves in January and hear it preached by dozens of nutrition, fitness and medical experts, “Your body needs fat, but you need to choose the good fats.” Ok, so what are the good fats? There are so many different types of fats: […]

Hot ‘n’ Sweet: The Debate over Sugar, Sugar Alcohols and Artificial Sweeteners

Have you ever perused the aisles of the grocery store attempting to decide on a dessert that will tantalize your taste buds while simultaneously maintaining your sleek physique? It can be a challenge to decide which candies, cookies, drinks and other sweet treats will satisfy your craving without damaging your diet or good health. Artificial […]

Hot 'n' Sweet: The Debate over Sugar, Sugar Alcohols and Artificial Sweeteners

Have you ever perused the aisles of the grocery store attempting to decide on a dessert that will tantalize your taste buds while simultaneously maintaining your sleek physique? It can be a challenge to decide which candies, cookies, drinks and other sweet treats will satisfy your craving without damaging your diet or good health. Artificial […]

Reduce Sugar Intake in Your Diet: 10 Foods to Eliminate

Remember all the hype about sugar being toxic? Well, if that left you in fervor of what to do about your diet, you are not alone. Below are 10 foods to watch out for – they have hidden sources of sugar. You may be surprised by what you find on the list, most are commonly […]