Tag Archives: weight management

Finding New Ways to Measure Obesity

The current measurement for classifying obesity in the United States is flawed.  Earlier this month research emerged suggesting that overweight people have a lower risk of mortality than normal weight people. Criticism of the study flared from other experts, placing the blame on the current, often unreliable body mass index, or BMI. The trouble with […]

weight loss odds

The Probability Your Diet Will Work

My husband picked up an interesting book at the library, Struck by Lightning – it talks all about probabilities. It was written by a math professor and discusses the ins and outs of all the odds of everything. I picked it up and randomly turned to a page, and as fate would have it, I landed on […]

thanksgiving day

Torch Thanksgiving Day Calories

Check out this infographic from Active.com and burn off those Turkey Day calories quick! Visit Active.com for Fun Facts about Turkey Trot Races.

healthy breakfast smoothie

Dani Cee’s Breakfast Smoothie

I am not a morning person. That means I am always  running late and rarely have time to make breakfast, much less eat it. But, what I have learned is that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and skipping it is not an option, when it comes to looking and feeling your best. […]

healthy breakfast smoothie

Dani Cee's Breakfast Smoothie

I am not a morning person. That means I am always  running late and rarely have time to make breakfast, much less eat it. But, what I have learned is that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and skipping it is not an option, when it comes to looking and feeling your best. […]

how not to gain weight on Thanksgiving

Battle of the Holiday Bulge

The happy, happy holidays are upon us! Although that means lots of wonderful moments with friends and family, it also presents a very classic challenge: The Battle of the Bulge The truth is that most people only gain about five pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, but an extra five pounds can add up fast […]

diet soda and weight gain

The Real Reason Diet Soda Makes You Fat

Diet soda. A crisp, cold refreshment without the fat, calories, sugar or side of guilt……err, wait, maybe not. For years experts have battled over the impact of diet soda on your waistline and your overall health. Research published last month suggests that not only should your curb your sugary soda habit, your diet soda habit has got […]

food intake journal

Take Notes

It’s no secret that it’s effective, but it is among the hardest habits to stick with: tracking your workouts (and your food intake.) Technology has made things a little easier, but let’s face it, taking the time to log your workouts and the food you put in your mouth is an arduous task. But, you […]

Hit a Plateau? Get More from Your Workouts

For the past three months you have given it a valiant effort – you eat right, you exercise and you have even made an extra effort to get more sleep each night. Here you are twelve weeks into your program 15 pounds down and 10 to go, but for the last two weeks the scale […]

medically supervised hcg

Understanding the hCG Diet

As a personal trainer and nutritionist, I have taken a stance against the hCG diet. Aside from the obvious “quick fix” it appears to advertise, my research has unveiled the harrowing side effects of the hCG diet. Then yesterday, in working on an article for my day job, I interviewed a few doctors – who […]